Up coming events for August

Here are some upcoming events we have scheduled for the month of August.

Pastor Austin Hetsler will be taking a break from preaching for a few weeks, we will have a few guest preachers as well as Pastor Dan filling the pulpit for the month of august. Pastor Austin will resume The series through Acts at the end of August.

Brad Valka, one of our deacons and treasurer, will be starting a CE series on biblical finances, teaching the ways God has commanded us to be good stewards of the finances He has given us. There will also be much practical, biblical advice on money handling in our current times.

Next Sunday immediately following service we will be having a fellowship at Hilltop park. There will be food, games, and much fellowship. Feel free to bring a side or desert! Fellowships are an excellent way to get to know the congregants and leadership team on a personal level as well as build into each others lives.

The final event that is scheduled for the month of August is the Lorain County Fair. The dates are 8/20-8/27 and it is located at 23000 Fairgrounds Road Wellington, OH 44090. We will have a tent where we will be handing out free water as well as sharing the gospel with all who will listen. Please pray that the Lord will bless our efforts and that we will see souls saved through the power of His word, to the glory of His name.

That is it for the month of August for now. I will continue to post updates and changes throughout the month as they come up.